MCA Web Technologies PGCA 1909
MCA Web Technologies Laboratory PGCA 1914
BCA Web Designing UGCA 1927
Internet Basics
Basic concepts, communicating on the internet, internet domains, internet server identities, establishing connectivity on the internet , client IP address.
Introduction To HTML
Information Files Creation, Web Server, Web Client/Browser, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML Tags, Paired Tags, Singular Tags), Commonly Used Html Commands (Document Head, Document Body), Title and Footer, Text Formatting (Paragraph Breaks, Line Breaks), Emphasizing Material in a Web Page (Heading Styles, Drawing Lines).
Basic Formatting Tags
HTML Basic Tags, Text Formatting (Paragraph Breaks, Line Breaks), Emphasizing Material in a Web Page (Heading Styles, Drawing Lines), Text Styles (Bold, Italics, Underline), Other Text Effects (Centering (Text, Images etc.), Spacing (Indenting Text), HTML Color Coding. [CO1]
Type of Lists (Unordered List (Bullets), Ordered Lists (Numbering), Definition Lists.
Adding Graphics To Html Documents
Using The Border Attribute, Using The Width And Height Attribute, Using The Align Attribute, Using The Alt Attribute. [CO2]
Introduction (Header, Data rows, The Caption Tag), Using the Width and Border Attribute, Using the Cell padding Attribute, Using the Cell spacing Attribute, Using the BGCOLOR Attribute, Using the COLSPAN and ROWSPAN Attributes [CO2]
Linking Documents
Links (External Document References, Internal Document References), Image As Hyperlinks. [CO3]
Introduction to Frames: The<FRAMESET> tag, The <FRAME> tag, Targeting Named Frames. DHTML: Cascading Style Sheets, Style Tag. [CO2] CSS implementation styles
Forms Used by a Web Site
The Form Object, The Form Object’s Methods (The Text Element, The Password Element, The Button Element, The Submit (Button) Element, The Reset (Button) Element, The Checkbox Element, The Radio Element, The Text Area Element, The Select and Option Element, The Multi Choice Select Lists Element). [CO4]
Unit 4
Introduction to JavaScript
JS Introduction, Where To, Output, Statements, Syntax, Comments, Variables, Operators, Arithmetic, Assignment, Data Types, Functions, Objects, Events, Strings, String Methods, Numbers, Number Methods, Arrays, Array Methods, Array Sort, Array Iteration, Dates, Date Formats, Date Get Methods, Date Set Methods, Math, Random, Booleans, Comparisons, Conditions, Switch, Loop For, Loop While, Break, Type Conversion, Bitwise, RegExp, Errors, Scope, Hoisting, Strict Mode, JSON, Forms, Forms API [CO5]
JS Functions, Function Definitions, Function Parameters, Function Invocation, Function Call, Function Apply, Function Closures [CO5]
BCA Web Designing Laboratory UGCA 1928
- Create a simple HTML page to demonstrate the use of different tags.
2. Design index page of a book on web designing.
3. Display Letter Head of your college on a web page.
4. Create a Hyperlink to move around within a single page rather than to load another page.
5. Display letter using different Text formatting Tags.
6. Design Time Table of your department and highlights of most important periods.
7. Use Tables to provide layout to your web page.
8. Embed Audio and Video into your web page.
9. Divide a web page vertically and horizontally and display logo of your college in left pane and logo of university in right pane.
10. Create a student Bio- Data.
11. Design front page of hospital with different style sheets.
12. Design a web page and display two different pages at a time.
13. Write a program to create a login form. On submitting the form, the user should get navigated to a profile page using JavaScript.
14. Write a code to create a Registration Form. On submitting the form, the user should be asked to login with the new credentials using JavaScript.
15. Write an HTML code to create your Institute website/Department website/ Tutorial website for specific subject. Also use Java Script for validation.