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Information Security

Unit –I

The Security Problem in Computing:

The meaning of computer Security, Computer Criminals, Methods of Defense, Elementary Cryptography: Substitution Ciphers, Transpositions, Making “Good” Encryption algorithms, Secure Architecture of an open System. DES and RSA Algorithm,

Asymmetric and symmetric Key Cryptography, Role based Security, Digital Signatures, The Data Encryption Standard, The AES Encryption Algorithms, Public Key Encryptions, Uses of Encryption.


Security in Program and Operating System:

Secure Programs, Non malicious Program Errors, viruses and other malicious code, Targeted Malicious code, controls Against Program Threats, Protection in General- Purpose operating system protected objects and methods of protection memory and addmens protection, File protection Mechanisms, User Authentication Designing Trusted.[CO2]

Operating System: Security polices, models of security, trusted Operating System design, Assurance in trusted Operating System Implementation examples.


Database and Network Security:

Database Integration and Secrecy, Inferential Control, Sensitive data, Inference, multilevel database, proposals for multilevel security. Security in Network: Threats in Network, Network Security Controls, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, Secure E-Mail


Administering Security:

Security Planning, Risk Analysis, Organizational Security policies, Physical Security. Legal Privacy and Ethical Issues in Computer Security: Protecting Programs and data, Information and the law, Rights of Employees and Employers, Software failures, Computer Crime, Praia, Ethical issues in Computer Security, Case Studies of Corporate Security.