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Programming in Java

Java Programming Fundamentals: Introduction to Java, Stage for Java, Origin, Challenges of Java, Java Features, Java Program Development, Object Oriented Programming. [CO2]
Java Essentials: Elements of Java Program, Java API, Variables and Literals, Primitive Data Types, The String class, Variables, Constants, Operators, Scope of Variables & Blocks, Types of Comment in Java. [C2]

Control Statements: Decision making statements (if, if-else, nested if, else if ladder, switch, conditional operator), Looping statements (while, do-while, for, nested loops), Jumping statements (Break and Continue). [CO1]
Classes and Objects: Basic concepts of OOPS, Classes and Objects, Modifiers, Passing arguments, Constructors, Overloaded Constructors, Overloaded Operators, Static Class Members, Garbage Collection. [CO1]
Inheritance: Basics of inheritance, Inheriting and Overriding Superclass methods, Calling Superclass Constructor, Polymorphism, Abstract Classes, Final Class. [CO1]

Arrays and Strings: Introduction to array, Processing Array Contents, Passing array as argument, Returning array from methods, Array of objects, 2D arrays, Array with three or more dimensions. String class, string concatenation, Comparing strings, Substring, Difference between String and String Buffer class, String Tokenizer class.
Interface and Packages: Basics of interface, Multiple Interfaces, Multiple Inheritance Using Interface, Multilevel Interface, Packages, Create and Access Packages, Static Import and Package Class, Access Specifiers.[CO2]

Exception Handling: Introduction, Try and Catch Blocks, Multiple Catch, Nested Try, Finally, Throw Statement, Built-In Exceptions.[CO5]
Multithreading: Introduction, Threads in Java, Thread Creation, Lifecycle of Thread, Joining a Thread, Thread Scheduler, Thread Priority, Thread Synchronization.[CO4]
Applets: Introduction, Applet Class, Applet Life Cycle, Graphics in Applet, Event-Handling.[CO4]
File and I/O Streams: File Class, Streams, Byte Streams, Filtered Byte Streams, Random Access File Class, Character Streams.[CO4]