Fundamentals of Operating system: Introduction to Operating system, Functions of an operating system. Operating system as a resource manager. Structure of operating system (Role of kernel and Shell). Views of operating system. Evolution and types of operating systems.[CO1]
Process & Thread Management: Program vs. Process; PCB, State transition diagram, Scheduling Queues, Types of schedulers, Concept of Thread, Benefits, Types of threads, Process synchronization. [CO2]
CPU Scheduling: Need of CPU scheduling, CPU I/O Burst Cycle, Pre-emptive vs. Non-pre-emptive scheduling, Different scheduling criteria’s, scheduling algorithms (FCSC, SJF, Round-Robin, Multilevel Queue).
Memory Management: Introduction, address binding, relocation, loading, linking, memory sharing and protection; Paging and segmentation; Virtual memory: basic concepts of demand paging, page replacement algorithms.
I/O Device Management: I/O devices and controllers, device drivers; disk storage.
File Management: Basic concepts, file operations, access methods, directory structures and management, remote file systems; file protection.[
Advanced Operating systems: Introduction to Distributed Operating system, Characteristics, architecture, Issues, Communication & Synchronization; Introduction Multiprocessor Operating system, Architecture, Structure, Synchronization & Scheduling; Introduction to Real-Time Operating System, Characteristics, Structure & Scheduling.
Case study of Linux operating system