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Unions in C

Unions in C are a versatile feature that allows you to group together variables of different data types under a single name. Unlike structures, where each member has its own memory space, all members of a union share the same memory space. This means that a union can hold only one of its members at a time, and modifying one member will affect the value of other members sharing the same memory space. Let’s delve into the details:

1. Syntax:

  • Unions are defined using the union keyword followed by the union name and a list of member variables enclosed within braces {}

union MyUnion {

    int i;

    float f;

    char c;


2. Memory Allocation:

  • The size of a union is determined by the size of its largest member.
  • All members of a union share the same memory space, starting from the same memory address.
  • When a member of the union is assigned a value, it overwrites the memory previously occupied by other members.

3. Accessing Union Members:

  • Only one member of a union can be accessed at any given time.
  • You can access union members using the dot . operator or the arrow -> operator when working with pointers to unions.

union MyUnion u;

u.i = 10;    // Accessing the integer member

u.f = 3.14;  // Accessing the float member

u.c = ‘A’;   // Accessing the character member

4. Use Cases:

  • Memory Conservation: Unions are useful when you need to represent different data types in the same memory location and only one type of data is active at a time. This helps conserve memory.
  • Representing Multiple Interpretations: Unions allow you to represent the same memory location in different ways, depending on which member is currently active. This can be useful in various scenarios, such as representing different data types in a network protocol or file format.

5. Considerations:

  • Be cautious when accessing members of a union, as modifying one member will affect the value of other members sharing the same memory space.
  • It’s essential to keep track of which member of the union is currently active to avoid unintended behavior.
  • Unions are particularly useful when memory conservation is critical or when representing multiple interpretations of data within the same memory location.


#include <stdio.h>

union MyUnion


    int i;

    float f;

    char c;


int main() {

    union MyUnion u;

    u.i = 10;

    printf(“Integer value: %d\n”, u.i);

    printf(“Float value: %.2f\n”, u.f);  // Undefined behavior because ‘f’ shares memory with ‘i’

    printf(“Character value: %c\n”, u.c); // Undefined behavior because ‘c’ shares memory with ‘i’

    return 0;


In this example, accessing the float and character members after assigning a value to the integer member leads to undefined behavior because all members share the same memory space. Careful handling of unions is necessary to avoid such issues.