The RandomAccessFile class in Java is a part of the package and is used to read and write data to files in a random-access manner. Unlike sequential access provided by FileInputStream and FileOutputStream, RandomAccessFile allows you to move to any position within a file and perform read/write operations. It behaves as a combination of InputStream and OutputStream.
Core Features of RandomAccessFile
- Random Access:
- You can move the file pointer to any position and read or write data from that position.
- Read and Write Support:
- A single RandomAccessFile instance can perform both read and write operations.
- File Modes:
- RandomAccessFile operates in either of the following modes:
- “r”: Read-only mode.
- “rw”: Read and write mode.
- RandomAccessFile operates in either of the following modes:
- File Pointer:
- The file pointer indicates the position where the next read or write operation will occur.
- You can manipulate the file pointer to jump to specific locations.
public RandomAccessFile(String fileName, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException
- Creates a RandomAccessFile for the file specified by the fileName in the specified mode.
public RandomAccessFile(File file, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException
- Creates a RandomAccessFile for the File object in the specified mode.
Common Methods
Method | Description |
int read() | Reads a single byte from the file and returns it. |
int read(byte[] b) | Reads up to b.length bytes and stores them in the byte array b. |
void write(int b) | Writes a single byte to the file. |
void write(byte[] b) | Writes all bytes from the byte array b to the file. |
long length() | Returns the length of the file. |
long getFilePointer() | Returns the current position of the file pointer. |
void seek(long pos) | Moves the file pointer to the specified position pos. |
void close() | Closes the file and releases associated system resources. |
Example Usage
Example 1: Basic Read and Write
public class RandomAccessFileExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(“example.txt”, “rw”);
// Write data to the file
raf.writeUTF(“Hello, Random Access File!”);
// Move the file pointer to the beginning;
// Read data from the file
String data = raf.readUTF();
System.out.println(“Read data: ” + data);
} catch (Exception e) {
Example 2: Modifying Data at a Specific Position
public class ModifyFileExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(“example.txt”, “rw”);
// Write initial data
raf.writeUTF(“Hello, World!”);
// Modify data at a specific position; // Move to the 7th byte (after “Hello, “)
// Read the updated file content;
System.out.println(“Updated content: ” + raf.readUTF());
} catch (Exception e) {
Example 3: Reading File Length and Appending Data
public class FileLengthExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(“example.txt”, “rw”);
// Write initial data
raf.writeUTF(“Initial Data”);
// Get the length of the file
long length = raf.length();
System.out.println(“File length: ” + length + ” bytes”);
// Move the file pointer to the end of the file;
// Append data
raf.writeUTF(” – Appended Data”);
// Read the updated file content;
System.out.println(“Updated content: ” + raf.readUTF());
} catch (Exception e) {
Advantages of RandomAccessFile
- Flexible File Operations:
- Supports both read and write operations in a single instance.
- Allows direct access to any part of the file.
- Efficient:
- Useful for modifying files without re-writing the entire content.
- Binary and Text Support:
- Can handle both binary and text data.
- Dynamic Updates:
- Can easily append or modify specific parts of a file.
Disadvantages of RandomAccessFile
- Limited to Disk Files:
- Cannot be used for other streams like network sockets.
- Complexity:
- Requires careful management of the file pointer to avoid overwriting unintended parts of the file.
- Not Thread-Safe:
- Simultaneous access by multiple threads may require synchronization to avoid data corruption.
- No Auto-Resizing:
- When writing at a position that already contains data, existing data is overwritten unless handled explicitly.
Use Cases
- Database Storage:
- Useful for implementing custom database storage where records need to be read, updated, or deleted efficiently.
- File Format Parsing:
- Reading and modifying specific parts of files like headers in image files or metadata in audio files.
- Log File Management:
- Appending or modifying logs without reloading the entire file.
- Gaming and Applications:
- Saving and loading game states at specific file locations.
The RandomAccessFile class is a powerful tool for handling file I/O where random access is required. It provides a flexible and efficient way to read and modify specific parts of a file. While it has some limitations, such as lack of thread safety, it is indispensable for use cases involving direct and dynamic file manipulation. Understanding its methods and behavior is crucial for working with advanced file handling scenarios in Java.