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passing structures to functions

Passing structures to functions in C allows you to work with complex data types efficiently, especially when dealing with large structures or when you need to modify the structure’s contents within a function. This process involves passing the address of the structure (using pointers) to a function, enabling the function to access and modify the structure directly. Let’s delve into the details:

1. Passing Structures by Value:

  • By default, when you pass a structure to a function in C, a copy of the structure is created and passed to the function.
  • Changes made to the structure within the function do not affect the original structure outside the function.
  • This method is suitable when you don’t need to modify the structure and want to avoid unintended changes to the original data.

#include <stdio.h>

// Define a structure

struct Rectangle {

    int length;

    int width;


// Function to calculate area of a rectangle (passing by value)

int calculateArea(struct Rectangle rect) {

    return rect.length * rect.width;


int main() {

    struct Rectangle r = {5, 10};

    int area = calculateArea(r);

    printf(“Area of rectangle: %d\n”, area);

    return 0;


2. Passing Structures by Reference (Using Pointers):

  • To modify the structure’s contents within a function, you can pass the structure’s address (pointer) to the function.
  • This allows the function to directly access and modify the original structure’s contents, providing a more efficient way to work with large structures.

#include <stdio.h>

// Define a structure

struct Rectangle {

    int length;

    int width;


// Function to calculate area of a rectangle (passing by reference)

void calculateArea(struct Rectangle *rect) {

    rect->length = 5;

    rect->width = 10;


int main() {

    struct Rectangle r;


    int area = r.length * r.width;

    printf(“Area of rectangle: %d\n”, area);

    return 0;


Key Points:

  • When passing structures by reference, you use pointers to access the structure’s members within the function.
  • The arrow operator -> is used to access structure members through a pointer.
  • Passing structures by reference is more efficient than passing by value, especially for large structures, as it avoids unnecessary copying of data.
  • It’s essential to handle pointer dereferencing carefully to avoid segmentation faults or undefined behavior.


  • Passing structures by reference is particularly useful when:
    • Modifying the structure’s contents within a function.
    • Working with large structures to avoid the overhead of copying data.
  • Be cautious about accessing and modifying structure members through pointers to ensure proper memory management and avoid unintended side effects.