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Elements of transport protocols – Addressing, Connection establishment and release, Flow control and buffering

Elements of transport protocols encompass several crucial aspects that ensure efficient and reliable communication between devices over a network. Here’s a detailed explanation of the key elements: addressing, connection establishment and release, flow control, and buffering.

1. Addressing:

Purpose: Addressing in transport protocols identifies specific communication endpoints (hosts and applications) within a network. It allows data to be directed to the correct destination.

Key Points:

  • Port Numbers:
    • Definition: Port numbers are used to distinguish different services or applications running on a single host.
    • Range: TCP and UDP each have a range of 0 to 65,535 available for port numbers, with well-known ports (0-1023) reserved for standard services (e.g., HTTP, FTP).
  • Socket Addressing:
    • Definition: Combines IP address and port number to uniquely identify a communication endpoint (socket) in a network.
    • Format: For TCP/IP, a socket is represented as a combination of IP address and port number (e.g.,
  • Header Fields:
    • TCP Header: Contains source and destination port numbers to identify the endpoints of a connection.
    • UDP Header: Similar port fields but used in connectionless communication.

2. Connection Establishment and Release:

Purpose: Establishing and releasing connections allows for reliable and orderly transmission of data between sender and receiver.

Key Points:

  • Connection-Oriented Protocols (e.g., TCP):
    • Three-Way Handshake:
      • SYN (Synchronize): Initiates a connection request from the sender.
      • SYN-ACK (Synchronize-Acknowledgment): Acknowledges the connection request and sends a confirmation.
      • ACK (Acknowledgment): Finalizes the connection setup and enables data transmission.
    • Connection Release: Uses a four-way handshake (FIN, FIN-ACK, ACK, ACK) to terminate the connection gracefully.
  • Connectionless Protocols (e.g., UDP):
    • No Connection Setup: Each datagram is handled independently without establishing a dedicated connection.
    • No Connection Release: No formal termination process; communication ends when data exchange completes.

3. Flow Control:

Purpose: Regulates the rate of data transmission between sender and receiver to prevent overflow and ensure efficient utilization of network resources.

Key Points:

  • Sliding Window Protocol:
    • Definition: Allows multiple data segments to be in transit simultaneously between sender and receiver.
    • Sender Side: Maintains a congestion window to control the number of unacknowledged segments transmitted at any time.
    • Receiver Side: Adjusts the receiver window size to inform the sender about the amount of data it can accept.
  • Buffering:
    • Definition: Uses buffers (memory storage) at both sender and receiver ends to temporarily hold data during transmission.
    • Purpose: Compensates for differences in data processing speeds between sender and receiver and accommodates variations in network conditions.

4. Error Handling and Retransmission:

Purpose: Ensures reliable delivery of data by detecting errors and retransmitting lost or corrupted segments.

Key Points:

  • Acknowledgments (ACKs):
    • Definition: Sent by the receiver to confirm successful receipt of data segments.
    • Timeout Mechanism: If ACKs are not received within a specified timeout period, the sender assumes the segment is lost and retransmits it.
  • Selective Repeat and Go-Back-N ARQ:
    • Definitions:
      • Selective Repeat: Retransmits only the lost segments, minimizing retransmission overhead.
      • Go-Back-N: Retransmits all segments from the lost segment onward, simplifying the implementation but potentially wasting network resources.


Addressing, connection establishment and release, flow control, and buffering are integral elements of transport protocols like TCP and UDP. They ensure efficient, reliable, and secure communication between devices across networks, accommodating varying application requirements and network conditions. By effectively managing these elements, transport protocols facilitate seamless data transmission and optimize network performance, supporting a wide range of applications and services in modern networking environments.