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Difference between while and Do-while

Here’s a comparison between the while and do-while loops in tabular format:

Featurewhile Loopdo-while Loop
Syntaxwhile (condition) {<br>    // Code block<br>}do {<br>    // Code block<br>}<br>while (condition);
Initial ExecutionCondition is evaluated first; if false, loop body is skippedLoop body is executed first, regardless of condition
Condition CheckChecked before entering loop bodyChecked after executing the loop body
Minimum IterationMay not execute loop body if condition is false initiallyAlways executes the loop body at least once
Use CaseSuitable when the loop body may not need to execute initiallyUseful when the loop body must execute at least once initially

Both while and do-while loops are valuable looping constructs in C programming, each with its own use cases and behavior. Understanding their differences is essential for choosing the appropriate loop construct for a given programming scenario.