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Character set of C language

The character set of the C programming language encompasses a wide range of characters that can be used in C source code, identifiers, constants, and strings. Understanding this character set is crucial for writing C programs effectively. Let’s delve into the details of the character set in C:

  1. Alphabetic Characters:
    • C language supports both uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters from A to Z and a to z. These characters are used for defining identifiers, keywords, and string literals in C programs. Identifiers such as variable names, function names, and user-defined types must begin with an alphabetic character.
  2. Digits:
    • C language recognizes decimal digits from 0 to 9. Digits are used to represent numerical values in C programs, both in integer and floating-point constants. Digits can be combined to form integer constants, floating-point constants, or used as part of numeric expressions.
  3. Special Characters:
    • C language includes a set of special characters that have specific meanings and functionalities in the language. These characters are used for arithmetic operations, assignment, comparison, logical operations, bitwise operations, control flow, and punctuation. Some of the commonly used special characters in C include:
      • + (Plus)
      • (Minus)
      • * (Multiplication)
      • / (Division)
      • % (Modulus)
      • = (Assignment)
      • == (Equality)
      • != (Not Equal)
      • < (Less Than)
      • > (Greater Than)
      • <= (Less Than or Equal)
      • >= (Greater Than or Equal)
      • && (Logical AND)
      • || (Logical OR)
      • ! (Logical NOT)
      • & (Bitwise AND)
      • | (Bitwise OR)
      • ^ (Bitwise XOR)
      • ~ (Bitwise NOT)
      • << (Left Shift)
      • >> (Right Shift)
      • () (Parentheses)
      • {} (Curly Braces)
      • [] (Square Brackets)
      • ; (Semicolon)
      • , (Comma)
      • . (Dot)
      • : (Colon)
      • # (Hash)
      • (Double Quote)
      • (Single Quote)
      • \\ (Backslash)
  4. Whitespace Characters:
    • C language recognizes whitespace characters such as space, tab, and newline. Whitespace characters are used for formatting and readability in C source code. They separate tokens and serve as delimiters between keywords, identifiers, constants, and operators.
  5. Escape Sequences:
    • C language supports escape sequences, which are special sequences of characters that represent control characters or special characters. Escape sequences begin with a backslash \ followed by one or more characters. Some commonly used escape sequences in C include:
      • \n (Newline)
      • \t (Tab)
      • \b (Backspace)
      • \r (Carriage Return)
      • \f (Form Feed)
      • \’ (Single Quote)
      • \” (Double Quote)
      • \\ (Backslash)
  6. Other Characters:
    • C language also supports other characters such as punctuation marks, currency symbols, mathematical symbols, and other printable ASCII characters. These characters can be used in strings, comments, and character constants within C programs.

Overall, the character set of the C programming language is comprehensive, providing programmers with a wide range of characters to express various concepts and functionalities in their source code. Understanding and utilizing this character set effectively is essential for writing clear, readable, and functional C programs.