Unit 1
The Nature of Software, Need of Software Engineering, Prescriptive Process Models, Specialized Process Models, The Unified Process.
Unit 2
Role of a system analyst, SRS, Properties of a good SRS document, functional and non-functional requirements, Decision tree and Decision table, Formal Requirements Specification, Software Cost Estimation.
Unit 3
Software design and its activities, Preliminary and detailed design activities, Characteristics of a good software design, Features of a design document, Cohesion and Coupling, Structured Analysis, Function Oriented Design, Object-Oriented Design.
Unit 4
Testing Fundamentals, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing, Maintenance and Reengineering, Measures, Metrics, and Indicators, Software Measurement, Metrics for Requirements Model, Metrics for Design Model, Metrics for Testing, Metrics for Maintenance.