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Spacing (Indenting Text) in HTML

Indenting text and managing spacing in HTML can be achieved through a combination of HTML elements and CSS properties. Here’s a detailed discussion on how to control text indentation and spacing in HTML:

Indenting Text

Using the <blockquote> Tag

The <blockquote> tag is used to define a section that is quoted from another source. Browsers usually render the <blockquote> element with an indentation.


  This is an indented block of text.


Using the <pre> Tag

The <pre> tag preserves both spaces and line breaks, displaying the text in a fixed-width font and keeping the indentation as it is.


  This is preformatted text.

  It preserves both spaces

  and line breaks.


Using CSS

For more control over text indentation, CSS properties like text-indent can be used.

  1. Text Indentation The text-indent property specifies the indentation of the first line of a block of text.

<p style=”text-indent: 50px;”>

  This is a paragraph with the first line indented by 50 pixels.


  • Padding and Margin To create indentation for the entire block of text, padding-left or margin-left can be used.

<div style=”padding-left: 20px;”>

  This is a block of text with padding on the left.


<div style=”margin-left: 20px;”>

  This is a block of text with margin on the left.


Controlling Line Height and Spacing

Line Height

The line-height property sets the amount of space between lines of text. It can be set using a number, length, or percentage.

<p style=”line-height: 1.5;”>

  This is a paragraph with a line height of 1.5.


<p style=”line-height: 24px;”>

  This is a paragraph with a line height of 24 pixels.


Letter Spacing

The letter-spacing property controls the space between characters in a text

<p style=”letter-spacing: 2px;”>

  This text has increased letter spacing.


<p style=”letter-spacing: -1px;”>

  This text has decreased letter spacing.


Word Spacing

The word-spacing property controls the space between words.

<p style=”word-spacing: 10px;”>

  This text has increased word spacing.


Example: Combining Spacing Properties

You can combine different spacing properties to achieve the desired formatting.

<p style=”text-indent: 40px; line-height: 1.6; word-spacing: 5px;”>

  This is a paragraph with an indented first line, increased line height, and additional space between words.


Using CSS Classes

For consistency and reusability, define CSS classes in a stylesheet and apply them to elements.


  .indented-text {

    text-indent: 30px;


  .spaced-text {

    line-height: 1.8;

    letter-spacing: 1px;

    word-spacing: 4px;



<p class=”indented-text”>

  This paragraph has an indented first line.


<p class=”spaced-text”>

  This paragraph has custom line height, letter spacing, and word spacing.



  • Indenting Text: Use the <blockquote> tag for quoted text, <pre> for preformatted text, or text-indent for the first line indentation.
  • Padding and Margin: Use padding-left or margin-left to indent entire blocks of text.
  • Line Height: Use line-height to control the spacing between lines.
  • Letter and Word Spacing: Use letter-spacing and word-spacing to adjust the space between characters and words.

By using these HTML and CSS techniques, you can effectively control the indentation and spacing of text to improve the readability and aesthetics of your web content.