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HTML Tags, Paired Tags, Singular Tags

HTML tags are the fundamental building blocks of HTML documents. They are used to define the structure, content, and formatting of web pages by enclosing different elements of the document. HTML tags consist of angle brackets (< and >) surrounding a tag name, which specifies the type of element being defined. Tags can be classified into two main categories: paired tags and singular tags (also known as self-closing tags).

1. Paired Tags: Paired tags, also known as opening and closing tags, are used to enclose content between them. They consist of an opening tag and a corresponding closing tag, with the content placed between the two tags. The opening tag begins with the tag name enclosed in angle brackets, while the closing tag includes a forward slash (/) before the tag name. Paired tags ensure proper nesting of elements and define the beginning and end of content within the document.

Example of paired tags:

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

<h1>This is a heading</h1>


    <li>Item 1</li>

    <li>Item 2</li>


In the above examples:

  • <p> is the opening tag for a paragraph, and </p> is the closing tag.
  • <h1> is the opening tag for a top-level heading, and </h1> is the closing tag.
  • <ul> is the opening tag for an unordered list, and </ul> is the closing tag.
  • <li> is the opening tag for a list item, and </li> is the closing tag.

2. Singular Tags (Self-Closing Tags): Singular tags, also known as self-closing tags, do not require a corresponding closing tag. They consist of a single tag with no content enclosed between opening and closing tags. Singular tags are used to insert standalone elements or empty elements that do not contain any text or nested content. These tags are typically terminated with a forward slash (/) before the closing angle bracket.

Example of singular tags:

<img src=”image.jpg” alt=”Image”>



<input type=”text” name=”username”>

In the above examples:

  • <img> is a singular tag used to insert an image into the document.
  • <br> is a singular tag used to insert a line break.
  • <hr> is a singular tag used to insert a horizontal rule (a horizontal line).
  • <input> is a singular tag used to create an input field, such as a text input or a checkbox.

Singular tags are commonly used for inserting images, line breaks, horizontal rules, input fields, meta tags, and other standalone elements in HTML documents. They provide a concise and efficient way to include elements that do not require additional content or nesting.

In summary, HTML tags play a crucial role in defining the structure and content of web pages. Paired tags are used to enclose content and ensure proper nesting, while singular tags are used for standalone elements that do not require closing tags. Understanding the distinction between paired and singular tags is essential for creating well-formed and valid HTML documents.