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Variables in C

Variables in the C programming language are containers used to store and manipulate data during the execution of a program. They have a name, a data type, and a value. Let’s delve into the details:

Declaration of Variables:

In C, variables must be declared before they can be used. A variable declaration specifies its name and data type. The general syntax for declaring a variable is:

data_type variable_name;

For example:

int age; float salary; char grade;

Initialization of Variables:

Variables can be initialized at the time of declaration by providing an initial value. Initialization assigns a value to a variable when it is created. The syntax for initializing a variable is:

data_type variable_name = value;

For example:

int age = 25; float salary = 50000.50; char grade = ‘A’;

Rules for Naming Variables:

  1. Variable names must begin with a letter (uppercase or lowercase) or an underscore (_).
  2. Subsequent characters can be letters, digits (0-9), or underscores.
  3. Variable names are case-sensitive (age, Age, and AGE are different variables).
  4. Variable names cannot be keywords or reserved words in the C language.
  5. Variable names should be meaningful and descriptive, reflecting the purpose or usage of the variable.

Types of Variables:

  1. Local Variables:
    • Local variables are declared within a function or a block and are accessible only within that function or block.
    • They are created when the function or block is entered and destroyed when it exits.
    • Example:

void function() { int x; // Local variable // … }

  1. Global Variables:
    • Global variables are declared outside of any function or block and are accessible from any part of the program.
    • They exist for the entire duration of the program’s execution.
    • Example:

int globalVar; // Global variable void function() { // Access globalVar here }

Scope of Variables:

  • The scope of a variable refers to the region of the program where the variable is accessible.
  • Local variables have block scope, meaning they are accessible only within the block in which they are declared.
  • Global variables have file scope, meaning they are accessible throughout the entire file in which they are declared.

Lifetime of Variables:

  • The lifetime of a variable refers to the duration for which the variable exists in memory.
  • Local variables have automatic storage duration, meaning they are created when the function or block is entered and destroyed when it exits.
  • Global variables have static storage duration, meaning they are created when the program starts and destroyed when the program terminates.


Variables are fundamental elements of C programming, allowing developers to store and manipulate data dynamically. By understanding variable declaration, initialization, naming conventions, scope, and lifetime, programmers can effectively utilize variables in their programs to achieve desired functionality.