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User-defined data types in C

User-defined data types in C are types created by the programmer to suit specific needs beyond what the built-in data types (such as int, float, char, etc.) provide. These data types can be structures, unions, enums, and typedefs.

Let’s discuss each of them:

  1. Structures:
    • Structures in C allow you to group together variables of different data types under a single name.
    • They are defined using the struct keyword followed by the structure name and a list of member variables enclosed within braces {}.
    • Structures are used to represent complex data entities where multiple pieces of data need to be grouped together for better organization and management.
    • Each member within a structure can have its own data type, enabling the representation of various types of data within one structure.
    • Structures are extensively used in C programming to model real-world entities such as employees, students, geometric shapes, etc.
    • Example:

struct Point


 int x;

int y;


  1. Unions:
    • Unions in C are similar to structures but allocate memory to store only one member at a time.
    • Unlike structures where each member has its own memory space, all members of a union share the same memory space.
    • Unions are useful when you need to represent the same memory location in different ways or when memory conservation is critical.
    • They are defined using the union keyword followed by the union name and a list of member variables enclosed within braces {}.
    • Example:

union MyUnion


int i;

float f;


  1. Enums:
    • Enums (enumerated types) in C allow you to define a set of named integer constants.
    • They provide a way to create symbolic names for integer values, making the code more readable and maintainable.
    • Enums are defined using the enum keyword followed by the enum name and a list of named integer constants enclosed within braces {}.
    • Enumerations are useful when dealing with sets of related integer values that have a clear mapping to symbolic names.
    • Example:

enum Days


Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday


  1. Typedefs:
    • Typedefs in C allow you to create aliases for existing data types, including built-in types and user-defined types like structures and unions.
    • They make the code more readable and maintainable by providing descriptive names for types.
    • Typedefs are defined using the typedef keyword followed by the existing type and the new alias name.
    • Typedefs are commonly used to simplify complex type declarations, especially when dealing with pointers and function pointers.
    • Example:

typedef struct


 int hours; int minutes; int seconds;

} Time;

User-defined data types provide flexibility and abstraction, allowing programmers to create custom data structures tailored to the requirements of their applications. They are essential tools for designing software systems that accurately model real-world entities and efficiently manipulate data.

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