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Specifying argument data types

In C, specifying argument data types when defining functions is essential for ensuring type safety and proper handling of data passed to functions. Here’s a discussion on how argument data types are specified in C:

  1. Data Type Declaration:
    • When defining a function, you specify the data types of its parameters inside the parentheses after the function name. This declaration informs the compiler about the types of values the function expects to receive.
    • C supports various built-in data types such as int, float, double, char, struct, pointers, and user-defined types.
  2. Primitive Data Types:
    • Primitive data types like int, float, double, and char are commonly used for specifying function parameters.
    • For example, if a function expects an integer input, you declare the parameter as int, and if it expects a character input, you declare the parameter as char.
  3. Arrays:
    • Arrays can be used as function parameters by specifying the array’s data type and size. However, in C, arrays decay into pointers when passed to functions, so the size information is typically lost.
    • For example, if a function expects an array of integers, you can declare the parameter as int[].
  4. Pointers:
    • Pointers are frequently used in C for passing arguments to functions, especially for passing arrays and for implementing pass-by-reference semantics.
    • When using pointers, you specify the data type of the pointer, indicating the type of data it points to.
    • For example, if a function expects a pointer to an integer, you declare the parameter as int*.
  5. User-Defined Types:
    • C allows you to define your own custom data types using struct or typedef. These types can be used as function parameters.
    • When using user-defined types, you specify the type name that you defined earlier in the program.
    • For example, if a function expects a struct as an argument, you declare the parameter using the struct’s name.
  6. Enumerations:
    • Enumerations (enum) can also be used to specify argument data types. Enumerations provide a way to define a set of named constants.
    • When using enumerations, you specify the name of the enumeration type as the parameter type.
    • For example, if a function expects an enumeration representing days of the week, you declare the parameter using the enumeration type.

Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to specify argument data types in C:

#include <stdio.h>

// Function declaration with parameters of different data types

void printInteger(int num) {

    printf(“Integer: %d\n”, num);


void printFloat(float f) {

    printf(“Float: %.2f\n”, f);


void printString(char str[]) {

    printf(“String: %s\n”, str);


int main() {

    int integerVar = 10;

    float floatVar = 3.14;

    char stringVar[] = “Hello, world!”;

    // Calling functions with arguments of different data types




    return 0;

} In this example, three functions (printInteger, printFloat, and printString) are defined with parameters of different data types (int, float, and char[]). When calling these functions from main(), arguments of corresponding data types are passed, and the functions print out the values accordingly.