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passingarguments to function

Passing arguments to functions in C allows you to provide data or values to the function so that it can perform its task with specific inputs. Here’s a discussion on how arguments are passed to functions in C:

  1. Parameter Declaration:
    • When defining a function, you can specify parameters inside the parentheses after the function name. These parameters act as placeholders for the values that will be passed to the function when it is called.
    • Parameters are declared with their data types and names, indicating the type of data the function expects to receive.
  2. Argument Passing:
    • When calling a function, you provide values, called arguments, for each of the function’s parameters. These arguments can be constants, variables, or expressions that evaluate to the expected data types.
    • The arguments are passed to the function by copying their values into the function’s parameters. This means that changes made to the parameters inside the function do not affect the original arguments outside the function, unless the parameters are passed by reference (using pointers).
  3. Positional Matching:
    • When passing arguments to a function, the values are matched to the parameters based on their positions in the function call. The first argument corresponds to the first parameter, the second argument to the second parameter, and so on.
    • It’s important to ensure that the number and types of arguments passed match the function’s parameter list to avoid compilation errors.
  4. Pass by Value:
    • By default, arguments are passed to functions in C by value. This means that a copy of the argument’s value is made and assigned to the corresponding parameter inside the function.
    • Changes made to the parameters inside the function do not affect the original arguments passed from the calling code.
  5. Pass by Reference (Using Pointers):
    • C also supports passing arguments by reference, which allows a function to modify the original values of variables outside its scope.
    • This is achieved by passing the memory address (pointer) of a variable as an argument to the function. The function can then dereference the pointer to access and modify the variable directly.
  6. Function Overloading (Note: C does not support function overloading):
    • In some programming languages, such as C++, you can define multiple functions with the same name but different parameter lists. This is called function overloading.
    • However, in C, function names must be unique within the same scope. If you need similar functionality with different parameter types, you would typically use different function names or handle it through the use of pointers and generic types.

Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to pass arguments to a function in C:

#include <stdio.h>

// Function declaration with parameters

void greet(char name[]) {

    printf(“Hello, %s!\n”, name);


int main() {

    char person[] = “Alice”;

    // Calling the greet() function with an argument


    return 0;


In this example, the greet() function expects a single parameter of type char[] (a string). When calling the greet() function from main(), the person array is passed as an argument. Inside the greet() function, the parameter name[] receives a copy of the memory address of the person array, allowing the function to access the contents of the array.