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Looping array using each() and foreach() loop

In PHP, you can loop through arrays using various loop constructs. Two common methods for iterating through arrays are using the foreach loop and the each() function. Here, I’ll explain both methods:

Using foreach Loop:

The foreach loop is commonly used to iterate over arrays in PHP. It’s a convenient way to loop through all elements of an array, whether it’s indexed or associative.

Indexed Array Example:

$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”];

foreach ($fruits as $fruit)


echo $fruit . “<br>”;


In this example, the foreach loop iterates through each element in the $fruits array, and the $fruit variable takes on the value of each element in turn.

Associative Array Example:

$person = [ “first_name” => “John”, “last_name” => “Doe”, “age” => 30 ]; foreach ($person as $key => $value)


echo $key . “: ” . $value . “<br>”;


In this example, the foreach loop iterates through the key-value pairs in the $person associative array. The $key variable holds the key, and the $value variable holds the corresponding value.

Using each() Function (Less Common):

The each() function is less commonly used for iterating through arrays but is still available in PHP. It returns the current key and value pair and advances the internal array pointer.

Indexed Array Example:

$fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”];

while ($fruit = each($fruits))


echo $fruit[‘value’] . “<br>”;


In this example, we use a while loop in conjunction with each(). The each() function returns an array with two elements: ‘key’ and ‘value’. We access the value using $fruit[‘value’].

Associative Array Example:

$person = [ “first_name” => “John”, “last_name” => “Doe”, “age” => 30 ];

while ($field = each($person))


echo $field[‘key’] . “: ” . $field[‘value’] . “<br>”;


Here, we apply the same concept to an associative array.

While the each() function provides a way to iterate through arrays, it’s considered less readable and less commonly used compared to the foreach loop. The foreach loop is generally preferred for its clarity and ease of use when iterating through arrays.