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Introduction to Frames in HTML

Basic Concepts

  • Frameset: The <frameset> element was used to define a frameset, replacing the <body> element in an HTML document when frames were being used. The frameset specified how many columns or rows of frames there would be and their dimensions.
  • Frame: The <frame> element within a <frameset> defined each individual frame and the content it would display.
  • NoFrames: The <noframes> element provided alternative content for browsers that did not support frames.

Example of a Basic Frameset

HTML Document Using Frames

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang=”en”>


    <meta charset=”UTF-8″>

    <title>Basic Frameset</title>


<frameset cols=”25%, 75%”>

    <frame src=”menu.html”>

    <frame src=”content.html”>



            <p>This browser does not support frames. Please upgrade your browser.</p>





In this example:

  • The <frameset> element specifies two columns (cols=”25%, 75%”). The first frame takes up 25% of the width, and the second frame takes up 75%.
  • The <frame> elements specify the source documents for each frame: menu.html for the first frame and content.html for the second.
  • The <noframes> element provides content for browsers that do not support frames.

Attributes of <frameset> and <frame>

<frameset> Attributes:

  • rows: Defines the number and size of horizontal frames. Example: rows=”50%, 50%”.
  • cols: Defines the number and size of vertical frames. Example: cols=”25%, 75%”.

<frame> Attributes:

  • src: Specifies the URL of the document to be displayed in the frame.
  • name: Assigns a name to the frame, which can be targeted by links from other frames.
  • scrolling: Controls the scrollbars (yes, no, auto).
  • noresize: Prevents the user from resizing the frame.
  • frameborder: Controls the visibility of the frame border (0 or 1).

Example with Rows and Named Frames

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang=”en”>


    <meta charset=”UTF-8″>

    <title>Frameset with Rows</title>


<frameset rows=”50%, 50%”>

    <frame src=”header.html” name=”headerFrame”>

    <frame src=”main.html” name=”mainFrame”>



            <p>This browser does not support frames. Please upgrade your browser.</p>





In this example:

  • The <frameset> element divides the window into two horizontal frames (rows=”50%, 50%”).
  • Each <frame> element has a name attribute (headerFrame and mainFrame), which can be targeted by links in other frames.

Targeting Frames with Links

Links in one frame can target another frame using the target attribute.


<!– menu.html –>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang=”en”>


    <meta charset=”UTF-8″>




    <a href=”page1.html” target=”mainFrame”>Page 1</a>

    <a href=”page2.html” target=”mainFrame”>Page 2</a>



In this example:

  • Links in menu.html will open page1.html and page2.html in the mainFrame.

Drawbacks and Deprecation of Frames


  • Usability Issues: Frames can make navigation difficult for users as the back button might not work as expected.
  • Accessibility Issues: Frames can be problematic for screen readers and other assistive technologies.
  • SEO Issues: Search engines might have difficulty indexing content within frames.
  • Complexity: Managing multiple documents and ensuring proper synchronization between frames can be complex.


  • HTML5 has deprecated the use of frames and framesets. Modern web design practices use CSS for layout and JavaScript for dynamic content loading (e.g., using AJAX).

Modern Alternatives

  • CSS: For creating complex layouts without using frames.
  • JavaScript (AJAX): For loading content dynamically into sections of a webpage.
  • HTML5 <iframe> Element: For embedding external content, although this is different from the deprecated <frame> element.


While frames were once a popular method for creating web layouts, they have been deprecated due to significant drawbacks. Modern web development now relies on more flexible and accessible techniques, such as CSS and JavaScript, to achieve similar results.