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Data Input and Output in C

Data input and output in C involve reading data from input sources and writing data to output destinations. Input sources can include the keyboard, files, or other input devices, while output destinations can include the screen, files, or other output devices. C provides several functions for performing data input and output, allowing programmers to interact with users, process data, and store information persistently. Let’s explore data input and output in more detail:

Data Input:

Keyboard Input:

  • Keyboard input in C is typically performed using the scanf() function, which reads formatted data from the standard input stream (stdin).
  • Format specifiers are used to specify the type of data to be read, such as %d for integers, %f for floating-point numbers, %c for characters, and %s for strings.


int num;

printf(“Enter an integer: “);

scanf(“%d”, &num); // Read an integer from the keyboard

File Input:

  • File input in C involves reading data from files using functions like fscanf() or fread().
  • File input functions take a file pointer and format specifiers (for fscanf()) or the number of data items to be read and the size of each item (for fread()).

Example (fscanf()):

int num;

FILE *file = fopen(“input.txt”, “r”);

fscanf(file, “%d”, &num); // Read an integer from the file


Data Output:

Screen Output:

  • Screen output in C is typically performed using the printf() function, which writes formatted data to the standard output stream (stdout).
  • Format specifiers are used to specify the type of data to be written, similar to keyboard input.


int num = 10;

printf(“The value of num is: %d\n”, num); // Write the value of num to the screen

File Output:

  • File output in C involves writing data to files using functions like fprintf() or fwrite().
  • File output functions take a file pointer and format specifiers (for fprintf()) or the number of data items to be written and the size of each item (for fwrite()).

Example (fprintf()):

int num = 10;

FILE *file = fopen(“output.txt”, “w”);

fprintf(file, “The value of num is: %d\n”, num); // Write the value of num to the file


Benefits of Data Input and Output:

  1. Interactivity: Data input/output allows programs to interact with users, enabling input of data and output of results.
  2. Persistence: Data can be stored persistently in files, allowing information to be saved and retrieved across multiple program executions.
  3. Flexibility: C provides functions for both formatted and unformatted input/output, allowing programmers to choose the appropriate method based on their requirements.


  1. Error Handling: Proper error handling should be implemented when performing input/output operations to handle potential errors such as file not found, input format mismatch, or insufficient disk space.
  2. Buffering: Input/output operations may involve buffering, where data is temporarily stored in memory before being written to or read from the input/output stream. Buffering can affect program performance and behavior.


Data input and output are essential aspects of C programming, enabling programs to interact with users, process data, and store information persistently. Whether reading data from the keyboard, files, or other input sources, or writing data to the screen, files, or other output destinations, C provides functions for performing a wide range of input/output operations. By understanding and effectively using these functions, programmers can create robust, interactive, and efficient C programs.