Managing files and directories in Linux involves using a variety of commands that allow you to create, modify, delete, and navigate through them. Below is a comprehensive overview of these commands, including some commonly used ones:
1. Basic File and Directory Management Commands
1.1 Creating Files
- touch: Creates an empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file.
touch filename.txt
- echo: Creates a file with content.
echo “Hello, World!” > myfile.txt
- cat: Can be used to create files by appending content.
cat > myfile.txt
Press Ctrl + D to save and exit.
1.2 Creating Directories
- mkdir: Creates a new directory.
mkdir mydirectory
- mkdir -p: Creates parent directories as needed.
mkdir -p parent/child/grandchild
1.3 Listing Files and Directories
- ls: Lists the contents of a directory.
- ls -l: Lists files in a long format, showing permissions, owner, and size.
ls -l
- ls -a: Lists all files, including hidden ones (those starting with .).
ls -a
- ls -lh: Lists files in a human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB).
ls -lh
ls -R
1.4 Viewing File Contents
- cat: Concatenates and displays file content.
cat myfile.txt
- more: Views file content one screen at a time.
more myfile.txt
- less: Similar to more, but allows backward navigation.
less myfile.txt
- head: Displays the first 10 lines of a file by default.
head myfile.txt
- tail: Displays the last 10 lines of a file by default.
tail myfile.txt
- tail -f: Continuously displays the last lines of a file, useful for monitoring logs.
tail -f /var/log/syslog
1.5 Copying, Moving, and Renaming Files
- cp: Copies files or directories.
cp source.txt destination.txt
cp -r sourcedir/ destinationdir/ # Copy directories recursively
- mv: Moves or renames files and directories.
mv oldname.txt newname.txt
mv file.txt /path/to/destination/
- mv (for renaming):
mv file.txt renamed_file.txt
1.6 Deleting Files and Directories
- rm: Removes files.
rm myfile.txt
- rm -r: Removes a directory and its contents recursively.
rm -r mydirectory
- rm -f: Forces the removal of a file or directory without prompting for confirmation.
rm -f myfile.txt
- rmdir: Removes an empty directory.
rmdir myemptydirectory
1.7 Finding Files and Directories
- find: Searches for files and directories in a directory hierarchy.
find /path/to/search -name “filename.txt”
- locate: Finds files using a pre-built database (faster than find but less up-to-date).
locate filename.txt
1.8 File Permissions and Ownership
- chmod: Changes file permissions.
chmod 755 myfile.txt # rwxr-xr-x
chmod u+x # Adds execute permission for the user
- chown: Changes the ownership of a file or directory.
chown user:group myfile.txt
- chgrp: Changes the group ownership of a file or directory.
chgrp groupname myfile.txt
2. Commonly Used Linux Commands for File Operations
2.1 Archiving and Compression
- tar: Used for archiving files.
tar -cvf archive.tar mydirectory/
tar -xvf archive.tar # Extracts the archive
- gzip: Compresses a file.
gzip myfile.txt
- gunzip: Decompresses a .gz file.
gunzip myfile.txt.gz
- zip and unzip: Used for creating and extracting .zip files.
zip myfile.txt
2.2 Disk Usage and File System Commands
- df: Displays information about disk space usage.
df -h # Human-readable format
- du: Shows the disk space used by files and directories.
du -sh mydirectory/
- lsblk: Lists block devices (e.g., hard drives, partitions).
- mount: Mounts a filesystem or device to a directory.
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/mydrive
- umount: Unmounts a filesystem or device.
umount /mnt/mydrive
3. Advanced File Management Commands
3.1 Symbolic and Hard Links
- ln: Creates a hard link by default.
ln file.txt hardlink.txt
- ln -s: Creates a symbolic (soft) link.
ln -s file.txt symlink.txt
3.2 Viewing File Properties
- stat: Displays detailed information about a file or directory.
stat myfile.txt
3.3 File Editing
- nano and vim: Command-line text editors used for creating and editing files.
nano myfile.txt
vim myfile.txt
Linux provides a robust set of commands for managing files and directories, making it flexible for various administrative and development tasks. Understanding these commands and how to use them effectively is crucial for system administration, file management, and shell scripting.