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Tree Traversal

Tree traversal refers to the process of visiting each node in a tree data structure exactly once in a systematic way. Traversals are essential for performing operations like searching, updating, and printing node values.

Types of Tree Traversals

There are two primary types of tree traversal methods:

  1. Depth-First Traversal (DFT):
    1. Inorder Traversal
    1. Preorder Traversal
    1. Postorder Traversal
  2. Breadth-First Traversal (BFT):
    1. Level Order Traversal

Depth-First Traversals

1. Inorder Traversal (Left, Root, Right)

  • Traverse the left subtree.
  • Visit the root node.
  • Traverse the right subtree.
  • Result: Nodes are visited in ascending order for a Binary Search Tree (BST).

C Code

void inorder(struct Node* root) {

    if (root == NULL) {



    inorder(root->left);    // Visit left subtree

    printf(“%d “, root->data); // Visit root

    inorder(root->right);   // Visit right subtree


2. Preorder Traversal (Root, Left, Right)

  • Visit the root node.
  • Traverse the left subtree.
  • Traverse the right subtree.
  • Result: Useful for creating a copy of the tree or prefix notation of expressions.

C Code

void preorder(struct Node* root) {

    if (root == NULL) {



    printf(“%d “, root->data); // Visit root

    preorder(root->left);    // Visit left subtree

    preorder(root->right);   // Visit right subtree


3. Postorder Traversal (Left, Right, Root)

  • Traverse the left subtree.
  • Traverse the right subtree.
  • Visit the root node.
  • Result: Useful for deleting the tree or postfix notation of expressions.

C Code

void postorder(struct Node* root) {

    if (root == NULL) {



    postorder(root->left);   // Visit left subtree

    postorder(root->right);  // Visit right subtree

    printf(“%d “, root->data); // Visit root


Breadth-First Traversal

Level Order Traversal

  • Visit nodes level by level from top to bottom.
  • Use a queue to implement this traversal.

C Code

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

// Queue structure for level order traversal

struct Queue {

    struct Node* arr[100];

    int front, rear;


// Enqueue operation

void enqueue(struct Queue* q, struct Node* node) {

    q->arr[q->rear++] = node;


// Dequeue operation

struct Node* dequeue(struct Queue* q) {

    return q->arr[q->front++];


// Level order traversal

void levelOrder(struct Node* root) {

    if (root == NULL) return;

    struct Queue q = {{NULL}, 0, 0};

    enqueue(&q, root);

    while (q.front < q.rear) {

        struct Node* temp = dequeue(&q);

        printf(“%d “, temp->data);

        if (temp->left) enqueue(&q, temp->left);

        if (temp->right) enqueue(&q, temp->right);




Example Program: Implementing Tree Traversals

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

// Node structure

struct Node {

    int data;

    struct Node* left;

    struct Node* right;


// Function prototypes

struct Node* createNode(int value);

void inorder(struct Node* root);

void preorder(struct Node* root);

void postorder(struct Node* root);

void levelOrder(struct Node* root);

// Main function

int main() {

    struct Node* root = createNode(1);

    root->left = createNode(2);

    root->right = createNode(3);

    root->left->left = createNode(4);

    root->left->right = createNode(5);

    printf(“Inorder Traversal: “);



    printf(“Preorder Traversal: “);



    printf(“Postorder Traversal: “);



    printf(“Level Order Traversal: “);



    return 0;


// Create a new node

struct Node* createNode(int value) {

    struct Node* newNode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

    newNode->data = value;

    newNode->left = NULL;

    newNode->right = NULL;

    return newNode;


// Inorder Traversal

void inorder(struct Node* root) {

    if (root == NULL) return;


    printf(“%d “, root->data);



// Preorder Traversal

void preorder(struct Node* root) {

    if (root == NULL) return;

    printf(“%d “, root->data);




// Postorder Traversal

void postorder(struct Node* root) {

    if (root == NULL) return;



    printf(“%d “, root->data);


// Level Order Traversal

void levelOrder(struct Node* root) {

    if (root == NULL) return;

    struct Queue {

        struct Node* arr[100];

        int front, rear;

    } q = {{NULL}, 0, 0};

    enqueue(&q, root);

    while (q.front < q.rear) {

        struct Node* temp = dequeue(&q);

        printf(“%d “, temp->data);

        if (temp->left) enqueue(&q, temp->left);

        if (temp->right) enqueue(&q, temp->right);



// Enqueue operation

void enqueue(struct Queue* q, struct Node* node) {

    q->arr[q->rear++] = node;


// Dequeue operation

struct Node* dequeue(struct Queue* q) {

    return q->arr[q->front++];



Given the tree:


       / \

      2   3

     / \

    4   5

The output will be:


Copy code

Inorder Traversal: 4 2 5 1 3

Preorder Traversal: 1 2 4 5 3

Postorder Traversal: 4 5 2 3 1

Level Order Traversal: 1 2 3 4 5

Applications of Tree Traversals

  1. Inorder Traversal: Sorting nodes of a BST.
  2. Preorder Traversal: Copying or serializing the tree.
  3. Postorder Traversal: Deleting or evaluating expressions in an expression tree.
  4. Level Order Traversal: Breadth-first search applications like shortest path in graphs.